The Skin and Beauty Benefits of Berries!

               The Trending Stuff About Berries And Skin Care

Most people know that routinely eating a variety of berries is a healthy choice, but what’s even more interesting is that they provide many of the same benefits when applied to skin. The berries do have several properties that lend a youthful glow to skin. 

1. Goji berry:

The ancient Chinese goji berry is powerhouse of antioxidants,and are an excellent source of vitamin C, minerals, amino acids, carotenoids, and polysaccharides—all of which have incredible benefits. Goji berry helps to improve skin by reducing inflammation, fading of age spots, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, goji berries have been shown to increase skin hydration, firmness, and to reduce the number of free radicals damaging the skin. 


1. Promotes collagen and elastin production

2. Reduces hyperpigmentation

3. Reduces oxidative stress (as it has betaine which significantly reduce the level of inflammatory chemicals in skin.)

4. Good hydrating properties due to palmitic, oleic and stearic fatty acids acts as skin barrier.

5. High ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value protect cells against free radical.

6. Acts as comodegenic so prevents clogging of pores with acne & oil prone skin.

Precaution: Don't ingest them if you have issues with blood thinning or diabetes.

DIY face mask steps:

1. Just steep the berries in hot water, and spread the cooled liquid over your skin with a cotton round.

2.Soak a handful of dried berries in water for about half an hour (or procure some fresh ones!), then blend together with some of your skincare favourites, like avocado for a moisturising hit, or cacao and olive oil for exfoliation and soothing.

2. Blueberries:

Blueberries are pretty good for skin, hair and overall health. Blueberries also lower the level of blood sugar in diabetics, so the consumption of berries should go hand in hand with monitoring for signs of hypoglycemia.

1. Helps Fight Signs Of Aging: The phytochemicals and antioxidants found in the fruit help to neutralize the free radicals, which prevents further damage. They are also helpful in strengthening blood vessels and healing broken capillaries.

How To Use:

Blueberries can be used as a substitute for chemical-based skin care products. A toning mask using blueberries, used once a week, can significantly reduce skin damage.

What You Have To Do
1.    Combine the crushed blueberries with the yogurt (3 tablespoons) using a blender.

2.    Apply the mask and keep in on for 10 to 20 minutes.

3.    Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

1. As the skin ages, dryness, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity are inevitable. But blueberries can help reverse the damage caused. The yogurt in the pack moisturizes, and the lactic acid present in it exfoliates dead skin cells.

2. Prevents And Cures Acne

For those with skin that is prone to acne, blueberries can help you achieve blemish-free skin. Due to its high concentration of salicylates it has ability to remove dead skin and open clogged pores so it is widely used topically in acne treatment.

What You Have To Do

1.    Mix the mashed blueberries with the lemon juice and the honey.

2.    Apply it on your face – you may apply it to your whole face or just the affected areas.

3.    Keep the pack on for about 20 minutes.

4.    Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

 The application of this pack, once a week, can reduce the occurrence of acne and remove blemishes. It also helps in controlling the excess oil on skin.


1. Salicylate sensitivity is associated with the intake of blueberries. Those sensitive to salicylate, ingesting blueberries can cause side effects such as headaches or gastrointestinal problems.

2. Blueberry helps in clarifying skin, as does lemon. This face pack can cause dryness, which makes the use of a moisturizer a must post application.

Benefits of Blueberries For Hair:

Being an abundant source of Vitamin B and proanthocyanidins, blueberries are extremely beneficial for hair growth.

What You Have To Do

1.    To make the mask, blend both the ingredients.

2.    Apply to hair, concentrating on the roots.

3.    Rinse using warm water after 20-40 minutes.


     Blueberry is a clarifying ingredient, and when used in large amounts, can cause excessive dryness. For hair that is inherently dry, using blueberries sparingly and adding honey to the hair mask is recommended.

Blueberries in Ayurveda:

Blueberries are Kashaya Rasa which means they have an astringent taste and pacify Pitta dosha. This property is used for wound healing and for reducing blood sugar levels. The Pitta pacifying property makes blueberries ideal for summer. It provides a cooling sensation to the body and is beneficial for the eyes which are associated with Pitta dosha. The most common way of consuming blueberries is in their fresh, whole form.

3. Bearberry(Uva Ursi):  

Bearberry extract is derived from the leaves of a small arctic shrub that produces bright red berries: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (the Common Bearberry). Common Bearberry has been used as an ingredient in skincare products and dietary supplements.

The leaves of the bearberry plant contain diverse phytochemicals which give it some pretty big anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. Research has shown that some of the antioxidant compounds found in bearberry extract have the ability to scavenge free radicals.

Bearberry Extract Has Powerful Skin-Brightening Properties

Due to its high concentration of hydroquinones (mainly in the form of arbutin), which is what gives bearberry extract it’s skin-lightening properties.

Arbutin is a popular skin-lightening ingredient used in skincare products, which works by breaking down into hydroquinone and reducing melanin synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase.

Arbutin (whether in synthetic form or derived from bearberry extract) is considered a safer and less sensitising alternative to hydroquinone.

Bearberry extract is a plant-derived ingredient which contains a high concentration of antioxidants and skin-lightening compounds. In particular, bearberry extract contains up to 17% arbutin, which is regarded as a safer and gentler alternative to hydroquinone.

4. Mulberry:

In Ayurveda, Mulberry has been glorified for its diverse healing properties. It is known as Brahmadaru in Sanskrit language. The Leaf, bark and Fruit of the plant are judiciously used in the preparation of herbal medicines and tonics.

Therapeutics properties of Mulberries:

1. Guru-guna- it possesses immense digestive properties

2. Karma-Vata Shamaka- Helps to cure the Vata dosha in Ayurveda 

Mulberry extract has been proven to help in skin lightening through anti-tyrosinase activity and also slow down the aging process.

5. Coffee berry:

Antioxidants play a large role in skin care. It comes from the fruit of the Coffea Arabica plant. Coffee berry extract is the most potent of the natural antioxidants due to its high levels of polyphenols and phenolic acids because the plants grow in high altitudes and close to the equator, where the sun’s rays are very strong. The plant actually creates the natural antioxidants to protect itself from the extreme conditions it grows in. As a result, the coffee berry extract prevents fine lines, wrinkles and cellular damage to skin, while reducing the appearance of existing fine lines, sun damage and other visible signs of aging. This extract also helps to smooth skin and neutralize free radicals. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on skin, which is helpful for those with eczema or dermatitis.

Tip: Two natural skin- brighteners: bearberry extract and licorice extract.



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