How to Make Takra?- An Ayurvedic Drink

                                                   Takra : Buttermilk ,The Divine Healer


There is no medicine, better then buttermilk. Buttermilk is called as Takra in Sanskrit. There is a simile given for buttermilk. Nectar is for Gods and Goddesses, buttermilk benefits human beings.
Ahara is considered as Prana (basis of life). Ahara is the best medicine. Takra (buttermilk) is one of the Aharadravya described in Ayurveda with lots of medicinal properties. Takra  can be used as a drug or Anupan (vehicle) or as Pathya (wholesome) in various diseases like Grahni (sprue), piles, diarrhea etc. These constituents somewhat explain the mechanism of action of buttermilk. In Bhavprakash Nighantu, it is mentioned that a person who consumes Takra never suffers from any disease.

A takra is also sometimes called a lassi. It is a doshic-appropriate combination of yogurt, water and digestive spices. A takra can be consumed mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack, or it can be a part of a meal. Some takras are used as a digestive aid. A takra has fats and proteins, so it will generally satisfy hunger. How to Prepare a Takra? Takras are best taken at room temperature and at least three or four hours after they have been mixed up. A takra is best taken unsweetened, adding little maple syrup is fine.


Presence of MFGM (Milk fat globule membrane), sphingolipids, caseins, lactoferrins, various vitamins etc. has been detected in buttermilk.


1. Shopha – oedema,
2. Arsha – Hemorrhoids
3. Grahani – Malabsorption syndrome,
4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
5. Mutragraha – urine retention
6. Udara – Ascites Aruchi –
7. Anorexia, lack of interest in food
8. Snehavyapat – in case of ghee and fat indigestion affliction with Gara type of poision.
9. Pandu – Anemia, initial stages of liver disorders. It is also used for alleviating the complications of oleation therapy.


Since Buttermilk is hot in nature, it is to be avoided – during summer, – in persons with injury – in debilitated persons – person suffering from giddiness, and in diseases related to Pitta imbalance.


1. Vata-Pacifying Takra — ½ cup yogurt + ½ cup water + up to 1 tsp. of ground cinnamon, ground ginger, ground cardamom, ground anise, ground cloves, and ground black pepper.

• For master batch of the combined spices and then use 1 tsp. of them: 30 whole cloves, 40 black peppercorns, the contents of 40 hulled cardamom pods, 2 tsp. dried ground ginger, 3 tsp. ground cinnamon

2. Pitta-Pacifying Takra — 1 /3 cup yogurt + 2 /3 cup water + up to ¾ tsp. of ground fennel, ground coriander, ground cumin, ground turmeric; with ¼ tsp. fresh ginger.

• For master batch of the combined spices and then use 1 tsp. of them: 1 tbsp. ground fennel, 1 tbsp. ground coriander, 1 tbsp. ground cumin, 1 tbsp. turmeric

3. Kapha-Pacifying Takra — ¼ cup yogurt + ¾ cup water + up to 1 tsp. of ground cinnamon, ground clove, ground black pepper, dry ground ginger, cayenne powder or pippali powder.

• For master batch of the combined spices and then use 1 tsp. of them: 1 tbsp. ground cinnamon, 1 tbsp. ground cloves, 1 tbsp. ground black pepper, 1 tbsp. ground dry ginger, 1 tbsp. cayenne powder or pippali powder


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