12 Characteristics of High Prana Food

"Prana" is the Sanskrit word for energy or life force. High Prana food is the best way to stay healthy and to stay slim.

High Prana foods have the following characteristics:

1. Nutrient dense

The RDI levels of basic vitamins and mineral are not enough.  "Nutrient-dense" means that there are adequate vitamins and minerals for every gram of food energy present.  Don't make your body use up valuable nutrient stores just to metabolise your excessive carbohydrates.

2. Accessory nutrients

It is not just about vitamins and minerals anymore. There are thousands of essential nutrients in nature including enzymes, sulphur compounds, and antioxidants.

3. Phytonutrients

Phytochemicals are a special class of accessory nutrient. They are the pigments responsible for the natural colour of fruit and vegetables.  Phytochemicals protect against heart disease, degenerative disease, and damage by ageing. They act as antioxidants and improve immunity.

4. Probiotics

Fermented foods such as natural yoghurt, miso and pickles contain bacteria that are beneficial for digestion and the immune system.

5. Fats and oils

As long as they are not processed or heated vegetable oils, fatty foods are high Prana foods.  Natural oils from unprocessed meat, fish, eggs, avocado, dairy, nuts and seeds provide important nutrition for cell membranes, the nervous system, and hormone balance.

6. Fibre

Soluble fibre such as inulin from root vegetables and lignan from flax meal are healthier options than grains.

7. Protein

Protein builds muscle, skin, organs and immune cells.

8. Humane conditions

Animal products contain stress hormones if the animals were raised in inhumane conditions.  There is more beneficial Prana from meat, eggs, and dairy grown in healthy, humane environments.

9. Fresh

Produce and meat lost nutritional value if it is left to sit.

10. Raw

Prana is highest in raw foods.  Many foods such as fruit, vegetables and even some fish and meat, can be consumed raw or very lightly cooked.  Raw foods contain more enzymes and accessory nutrients

11. Organic

Because it is grown in rich soil, organic produce contains higher levels of many nutrients, including trace minerals. Organic food is also free of harmful pesticide and antibiotic residues.

12. Water

The energy value of pure water speaks for itself.  We are 70% water!  Herbal teas and diluted juices also contain the benefits of pure water.Caffeine and alcohol deplete it.


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