An Ayurvedic Take On Daily Water Intake

When to Drink Water: Ayurvedic Principles for Drinking Water


Ayurvedic literature review gives very experienced knowledge about appropriate water intake concerning health as well as improper water ingestion relating to disorders. Water(H2O, Jala mahabhuta) is life of living kingdom. It results into the disease if taken in adulterated form , unacceptable time and inappropriate quantity.
Water variety kevalam, saushadha, Pakwam, amam and ushna, if used judiciously, in an appropriate quantity acts like nectar , otherwise act like poison.
Hence it is essential to discuss about the present issue regarding water intake and related health problems.

1. Ayoga – always doing Trishna nigraha.

2. Atiyoga – always drinking water in excess quantity. Drinking water in excess , even in condition of excessive thirst, increases kapha and pitta dosha, particularly in persons who are suffering from fever. It also increase ama, trishna, nidra, tandra, adhmana, gauvrav, kasa, agnisada, hrillas, prasek, shwasa and pinas.

3. Mithyayoga - always drinking chilled water , cold drinks, drinking water even if no thirst etc. all these leads to ill health.

4. Samyak yoga is always good for health.

5. Ushah Jalapan: A person, who drink water of 8 prasruti ( A cup formed by joining two palms is known as prasruti) before the time of sunrise can live for a period of hundred years, without any disease and fear of old age.

Ushapana: Water taken in the morning half an our,before the sun rising is called holy water.Ths water is named USHAPAN  in Hindi. This therapy which can be called as water therapy. The person will not suffer from following diseases who is habituates to drink water in last prahar of Nisha.
If water is taken in large quantities or if not consumed at all, the food is not processed or digested. Hence drinking water in appropriate quantity at frequent intervals is necessary to promote digestive fire during food consumption.

One should not eat food when thirsty and one should not drink water when hungry otherwise he may suffer from Gulma and Jalodara respectively.

Ancient literature highlights about the difference in the rate of absorption of regular water vs. boiled water:
1.            Regular water — takes about 6-7 hours if every channel is clear
2.            Boiled and cooled water — takes about 3 hours to be absorbed, and helps open the channels
3.            Hot herbalized water — takes about 1½ hours, due to sharpness of agni and herbs and spices

Guidelines regarding water intake:

1. Water should always be consumed while one is seated than standing. This helps in proper and efficient absorption and distribution of the water consumed.

2. Water should be consumed in small sips and not gulped down in big volumes in one breath, as it helps in preventing dilution of the blood, gastric juices.

3. Always drink warm water or room temperature water and not ice cold water. It will disturb digestion and will also cause severe constipation, heart issues, kidney failure.

4. Drink water whenever you feel thirsty. Your daily intake of water will be fulfilled if you have sufficient water whenever your body asks for it. Stop when you feel satisfied and your thirst has died down.

5. The colour of your urine will indicate if you are sufficiently hydrated or not. If it is dark yellow it means you need to drink a lot of water to hydrate your body. If the body is sufficiently hydrated, the colour of the urine will be fairly clear or light yellow.

6. The lips will also become dry and chapped, if the body is not sufficiently hydrated.

7. It is beneficial to have a gap of around 45 minutes between food and water intake. 

8. While drinking water always sit crossed leg in SukhAsan and drink water in small sips. While keeping the small sip of water in the mouth take two deep breaths and then swallow water slowly after circulating in mouth.
·                                                                                      Before Meal       Weakness          
·                                                                                      During Meal       Balances             
·                                                                                      After Meal          Obesity

·  Benefits:

1. You can be energetic and lively all day.
2. You can count on it as your weight-loss program booster.
3. Stay young! Say bye to wrinkles and dull skin.
4. Detox daily.
5. Kidney stones won’t nag you.
6. Say bye to headaches – even migraines.
7. Constipation will be a thing of the past.

Bhojanante Vishambari: Water after Meal is like poison. Always drink water 45 minutes before meals or 1.30hrs after meals. This will avoid overloading of Pancreas for Neutralizing PH of Water.


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