Dietary Advice For VATA Dominating Dosha in Ayurveda

Dietary Advice For VATA Dosha

 Vata can be lowered by consuming cooked and warm foods, and having small meals up to four times a day. Snacking is okay, just so long as there is a two hour gap between each meal. It’s important to eat your meals at the same time each day, but especially so at dinner time.
 Foods such as casseroles, stews, and soups are great for those who are Vata dominant. Raw foods such as salads should be kept to a minimum to improve digestions.

Using spice to heat up your meals is good, and those that are helpful are: Ginger ,Turmeric, Coriander, Cumin, Garlic, Asafetida . Legumes like beans should be limited, as they can be difficult to digest. 

Also, the best legumes for those who are Vata dominant are split peas or lentils that have been soaked for a while before being cooked. 

All forms of cooking oil are recommended to use, and sesame oil in particular adds a warming effect. Dairy products can be consumed but it is a good idea to limit cheeses that are hard. 

Seeds and nuts are fine to consume, but if you can get them as milks or butters they are better. 

Vata people are prone to developing addictions, so things such as cigarettes, alcohol and sugar should be avoided. It is okay to have a half glass of wine at night, provided it has been diluted with water.


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