Recipe of mouth watering Mung Dal Pancakes

Mung Dal Pancakes

Ingredients  (Serves 2)

1 cup mung dal
1 teaspoon freshly ground roasted cumin seeds
teaspoon turmeric
Himalayan pink rock salt
3 tablespoons ghee

Method for making Mung Dal Pancakes:

1. Rinse the dal until the water is clear, then add to a medium bowl. Add enough water to cover the dal by 1 inch and soak overnight or at least 3 hours. Drain and rinse.

2. Pour the mung dal into a blender and blend, adding as little water as possible, until the batter is the consistency of pancake batter. Add the cumin, turmeric, and salt, and blend again.

3. Heat some ghee in a large skillet over medium heat. Cooking in batches, pour some batter into the pan and spread like you would to make pancakes. This much batter will be enough to make 4 to 5 large thick pancakes or 8 to 10 smaller ones.

4. Cook until the edges start curling up and the underside is medium brown, about 5 minutes. Then flip and cook the other 1⁄2 side for 5 minutes longer. Continue adding more ghee and batter until you’ve finished cooking all of the batter.


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